Gina Borgo, PhD


Gina (she/her/hers) grew up in nearby Pacifica and attended UC Berkeley for her undergraduate degree in Molecular and Cell Biology. Her first lab job was under Dr. Nicholas Mills working on control of invasive moths using their parasitoid wasp predators. Following graduation, Gina worked as an SRA in Dr. Jane Koehler's lab at UCSF studying Bartonella at the bench and in the clinic.

Gina is a "double bear" and returned to UC Berkeley for graduate school and completed her PhD in Infectious Diseases and Immunity in Dr. Matt Welch’s lab where she investigated the function of a Rickettsia phospholipase during infection. During this time, Gina learned a lot about cell biology, all things microscopy/biological imaging, and the misery and triumphs of genetics in non-model pathogens. During grad school, Gina participated in scientific outreach at local elementary and middle schools and harm reduction programs at the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.

When not in the lab, Gina can be found cuddling dogs and adoption matchmaking at the local animal shelter (she loves cats too!). She is a proud (and clumsy) new owner of roller skates, loves the San Francisco fog, the San Francisco Giants, and is always excited to deep dive favorite books, movies, and cultural phenomena.